展覽<尋找泡沫小島 >
Look for Bubble Island
開幕茶會 Opening Reception 2014/08/30 15:00 – 18:00 Sat.
藝術家導覽 Artist Guide 2014/08/30 15:30
陶藝工作坊 Workshop 2014/08/31 第一場14:00/第二場17:00
展期 Exhibition Duration 2014/08/30-2014/09/28
台灣這個漂流在海上的小島,上頭虛浮的人們不斷尋找,尋找的是終點還是另一個開始。 感受到這個小島的存在,在我觸摸的到的空間中,強烈的吸引著我的注目,這模糊的關係更佳的雀躍,提醒著我空氣中的波動,疏離時的視野是最為清楚不過的,於是我利用「土」來試圗尋找這座輕盈的泡泡島。
Taiwan; a drifting at sea island with unsettled people constantly looking for new beginnings or destinations. I feel the presence of the island by reaching my surroundings, and while doing so my emotions are awakened. Then I realize that it is the air that allows the distance, granting the space for a better sight of this island. This thought excites me thus, I form the soil in a pursue of bringing to light the vision of this bubble island.
時間:2014/08/31 17:00(第一場已額滿)
地點:絕對空間 (台南市中西區民生路一段205巷11號)
報名:來電或現場報名(06-2233508 / 0939894013)